Germany: Crackdown on TOR-node operators

TOR logoUpdate: TOR roundup

The public prosecutor’s office of Konstanz raided computing centres of seven providers in Germany, seizing ten servers because of the proliferation of child pornography. Nothing new, things like that happen all the time, the juicy detail is that some of the servers were merely running a copy of the TOR, a software to anonymize the usage of the internet to protect your privacy.

Those servers were most probably configured to be TOR Exit-Nodes, so their IP-addresses might have shown up in the server logfiles of the child-porn servers in question. One could argue that this is an attempt to frigthen german TOR-node operators, but I’d just keep calm for the moment. I guess that the attorney of state is just after logfiles, they knew that those servers were operating as TOR-nodes. If you IP-address pops up in a child-porn case surely your IP looks interesting to the police.

However, this situation is disturbing, really disturbing. I run a TOR-server myself ( and the last thing I want to experience is the police kicking down my door, seizing my computer. (despite the fact that my server is rented and in Leipzig i don’t want them to raid my appartment. Child-porn, you know, the last reason. You could possibly justify everything with it.)

One operator whose server was seized as well wrote a letter to all the TOR-operators in Germany he was aware of, reaching me as well; he wrote that he is not aware of any charges pressed against him at the moment and that his provider, whose server-room was raided, was not avilable for a real comment on the weekend.

We just have to wait what’s going on, which charges are pressed – if at all, i somehow doubt that – and when the state will give that servers back. This is really something horrible for the TOR-operator – especially if you take into account that there will be no evidences at all to find on the harddrive. It’s just a hassle, stress which is put upon you.

But i guess we have to go through it. There was no lawsuit about TOR in Germany yet – i hope it’s not going into the direction of “supporting proliferation of child-pornography“. This would be the end of anonymizing services in Germany and probably everywhere in the EU.
I run TOR to get a certain level of privacy. Staying anonymous is no crime. I want my privacy.

Please morally support us, the TOR-operators.

Fellow Blogger rabenhorst also wrote a bit about it.

Update: Subscribing to the tor-talk list helps… There’s also a thread in english about the Razzia.

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130 Responses to Germany: Crackdown on TOR-node operators

  1. Strix says:

    Bad Bad Bad Bad. On the other hand, it was probably a matter of time. Police are going to get frustrated, even in less repressive countries, with criminals using anonymizing systems. Hopefully incidents like this are a bump to be expected, teething pains as everyone adjusts to new things, rather than the end of anything. My $0.02, the other 98 are on my blog.

    Here’s wishing you the best of luck,

    Sometime EU Citizen

  2. […] You can read more about it here. Filed under Computing by wilson. Permalink • Print • Email […]

  3. Esrun says:

    Bad news for spammers!

  4. […] Germany: Crackdown on TOR-node operators « IT, life and me Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  5. phyzome says:

    @Esrun: Spammers don’t really use the Tor network. They generally use regular open proxies in Asia and spam-zombie computers. If you really want to cut down on spam, start confiscating computers with malware installed! (I’m kidding, of course.)

    Anyway, the OR-talk message list has had some pretty cool ideas, including combining Geo-IP with the exit-node policies — that way, an exit node might never be sending plaintext to an endpoint in the same jurisdiction!

  6. Keith says:

    Well, there must be a good reason for the raid. Moreover, these are servers, I don’t think they are going to go down knocking on your door and demand for your PC. They’re going to get really tired.

  7. says:

    La policía alemana asalta servidores que ejecutaban nodos TOR

    Las autoridades alemanas asaltan diez servidores en busca de pornografía infantil. Hasta aquí todo mas o menos normal, la noticia está en que en muchos de los servidores actuaban comos nodos TOR, dando acceso anonimo a Internet. Los responsables de …

  8. modalspace says:

    The situation is really disturbing, since this is not the only action against anonymity/privacy-enhancing technology in Germany. A few weeks ago the secretary of justice of Schleswig-Holstein (german state) demanded the federal support for JAP, an anonymizier developed in Dresden, to be dropped. This gives room for speculations here, which makes it sound very important to insist that anonymiziers are not a tool for criminals.
    Criminals have way better means than Tor or JAP to perserve their privacy, with zombie-nets, open proxies, servers with mis- or unimplemented security, identity theft, etc. Criminalizing privacy technologies just means taking away the possibilities to remain anonymous from ordinary citizens who want to use these possibilities for perfectly legal means (E.g. to not be profiled on every visit of an e-commerce site etc.). The general message that needs to be conveyed to the IT-agnostic public is that anonymizers actually make the internet more secure for them, and not less secure.

  9. Brian Holiday says:

    Looks like they are attempting to start a chilling effect. My suggestion is you start tracking down the offenders yourselves, proactively within the network. The police would be much more helpful as allies than as adversaries. What concerns me is the fact that internet freedom is going to be shot down over the indefensable. Clean up the network, or loose it.

  10. volland says:

    Oh damn, this sounds a bit frightening. I support TOR, I hope Germany won’t start making up child-porn charges against it. Stay strong!

  11. dsa says:

    (stupid pseudo-facist troll-comment deleted – my Blog, my rules. — Alex.)

  12. Dear readers, before we all get hysteric, let’s sum up some facts and obvious assumptions:
    The seized TOR-servers were most probably TOR exit-nodes.
    Their IP-addresses most probably showed up in the logfiles of the alleged chlid-porn server.
    The police found out about that IP-address and the police *must* take action and seize the server.
    The fact that the server was running TOR is of no actual value for the process of forensics itself.
    So there’s now actual evidence at the moment which prooves that this is a direct attack on the TOR-network or it’s operators in Germany.
    We still don’t know if any charges are pressed against operators. Basically we’re all speculating, so please, let’s keep calm until we really know more. If i find out more, i’ll post updates here.
    And i hope that the HTML i used to pimp my comment really works. If not it’ll look pretty stupid ;)

  13. bender says:

    dsa is a retard. must be some little 14 year old.

  14. bender says:

    LMAO Alex. you rule. @ taking down that retards comments

  15. Alexander Janssen says:

    Thanks to some peple posting inaapproiate comments my blog is now locked out:

    “This blog has been archived or suspended for a violation of our Terms of Service.”

    Wonderful. Now i have the hassle to get it reactivated.

    Got what you wanted? Feel proud?


    Update: I’m back in. I don’t know what happened, but somehow my IP-address was banned from accessing my own Blog! I used the power of TOR to regain access. Isn’t that irony? I hope that people think before they post – apparently this is not always the case. Considering that those stupid “Sieg Heil”-Comments are treated illegal in Germany – for obvious reasons – i don’t want to get in trouble.

    If stuff like that will happen in the future, i might have to disable the comment-function.

  16. Elvis says:

    Doesn’t TOR allow the running of an anonymous server, a so called hidden service? Not a node, but an actual server; with content being served? If so, it would seem likely that the law is after a child pornography site running such a server, rather than trying to find ip’s of ‘regular’ offenders through confiscating nodes. Makes more sense, no?

  17. Elvis: Yes, this is possible, but a hidden service is exactly what it says: It could run on any TOR-server in the world. So seizing only one or two handful of servers in Germany doesn’t make sense at all considering the fact that there are a lot of servers in Germany (177 active servers at the time of this writing). The german police is aware of that, i bet.

  18. Tor User says:

    Does anyone know HOW the raids happened? For instance, if the hard drive is fully encrypted and only decrypted thanks to a pass entered at boot time.. did the police power off the machines before taking them (obviously) and thus perhaps reactive the encryption? How is forensics done in this case usually?

  19. […] Maybe we all need to start using Tor for everything, every single search engine request. No, I am not even remotely being serious. But think twice before letting details of your particular predilection for donkey pr0n (or whatever else it is that might be deeply embarassing) escape into the logfiles of a search engine. Wait, can’t do that either. […]

  20. Delightful.

    I use Tor, and as well as using the client I tend to also run as a Tor server while using the client, at the very least I feel it’s important to give something back to the network for the service I get from it, even if it’s not practical for me to run a permanent Tor exit node for now.

    So far the only negative effect I’ve had is having my IP banned from Slashdot I suppose due to Tor traffic from my node; the result is that I can now only login to Slashdot from my own computer when I’m using Tor and happen to get an exit node which is not banned! I’m not sure that Slashdot’s intention is to make it more likely that I’ll be running a Tor node than before they banned my IP, but that is what they’ve done!

    A story like this makes me more determined to use privacy services like Tor, and to run as a server when I can to help strengthen the network. It’s not just child porn, either; here in the UK there are plans to outlaw possession of “extreme” violent porn using similar laws, and recently talk of banning “pro-suicide” websites, as well.

    I make no statement on the relative merits or desirability of such content; I only say that once we start down those paths we might as well allow the government to control and monitor all content, and anyone who is opposed to censorship and cares about political freedom, as I do, will also care about privacy and the preservation of networks such as Tor.

  21. […] German police are currently raiding server rooms all over Germany, and seizing TOR more | digg story These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  22. […] Tyska TOR-servrar har beslagtagits enligt Slashdot. “Servers participating in the TOR anonymizing network have been seized by public prosecutors during a child porn crackdown in Germany. […]

  23. Joe says:

    Interesting that you speculate that you “hope it’s not going into the direction of ‘supporting proliferation of child-pornography'”. When I put up a tor client node on our corporate network, our network administrator used that exact excuse–that he didn’t want something used by child pornographers on our network. I could only counter that 1) we should shut down the internet at our office b/c that was used by child pornographers as well and 2) anonymizing services like tor are also used for benign and needed uses like whistle-blowers and getting around totalitarian governments’ firewalls.

  24. steward says:

    When a government forbids you to mention certain government-related terms…

    maybe it’s because the government is turning into one of them. Again.

    Forget the TOR stuff, clean up your government. We in the US are way too busy with invading the Middle East to have to send troops to militarily reconquer Europe for yet a third time in less than 100 years.

  25. jason says:

    As joe mentions the biggest crime is that which does not exist. The governments have found a great way to curtail our digital freedoms, “child porn”.

    If you listen to people they reguratate CNN or other networks, what about child porn. Never thinking that the vast majority of people are good. Anything TV sells people buy.
    I suppose people deserve their freedoms taken away if their brains are off, who needs freedom when you dont even think.

    For people awake, especially server operators, ensure that the logs are on cron task to purge on a regular basis. The biggest danger is the ever growing capacity of hard drives. Soon will come a day where nothing gets deleted. Something you said online 20 years ago will haunt you.

    Also support TOR, either program or donate.

  26. […] It looks like the German police has recently seized some servers running the TOR anonymity program because the TOR network seems to have been used to anonymously access child pornography. While of course nobody can publicly stand up against such an action, these seizures may server the privacy of server owners. […]

  27. jj says:

    Uh … no offense, but what did you think would happen.

    Add it up:
    Exit nodes are the IP addresses that get plopped in others’ log files when someone using Tor does something bad. So, the police WILL grab those machines for evidence.

    If the police are savvy, then they’ll start trying to work backwards and start collecting machines that *used* to talk to those siezed machines … or those IP addresses that continue to try to connect to the sized machines.

    If you have a service that publicly accessible, and bad people can abuse it, then:
    1- bad people will abuse it
    2- its only a matter of time before someone comes to you because of it


  28. Aw man. I’ve been using TOR +privoxy since the days when it only ran in a DOS shell and you had to minimize it and leave it in your tray. I leave a node on my desktop at home while I’m at work and have been a huge supporter since well since I found it on the web doing random searches. It offers so much more security than a plain old proxy. Did I menation that I love TOR.

    Looks like we may have to rely on the Relakks darknet “secure IP” for true anonymity. (See my post on World’s First Commercial Darknet !!1!1!!! for a little info) Time and time again we have seen governments all over the world (piratebay fiasco much) shutting down free services that offer anonymity and or open source distribution.

    I wish I could buy up a bunch of dark fiber, and I mean fiber not crappy copper lines…Oh well. TOR is still up for now so lets keep supporting it.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  29. Dom says:

    Best wishes to all Tor operators. I hope nobody is seriously affected (e.g. jailed/charged).


  30. […] Gebruikers van de software waarmee het internetgedrag niet meer te herleiden valt tot de pc van de internetgebruiker, hebben de invallen inmiddels scherp veroordeeld op diverse blogs. “Ik gebruik een Tor-server en ik zit er niet op te wachten dat de politie mijn deur intrapt en mijn pc in beslag neemt”, schreef Alexander Janssen uit Düsseldorf bijvoorbeeld op Itnomad. […]

  31. No good.

    Germany: Crackdown on TOR-node operators. German police seize Tor servers….

  32. DaveK says:

    “Relakks darknet”? “Secure IP”? Are you crazy? This is no kind of replacement for Tor. The operators of the VNC layer can see everything you do, and under court order could be forced to log and/or reveal it. In TOR, every single node in your chain has to be corrupt before your anonymity can be breached. In RELAKKS, everything you do is WIDE OPEN to the first hop. This is no better than using

  33. @DaveK

    You’re absolutely right. There is no replacement for TOR.

    Anyone got any ideas on what to do? Perhapse an open source version of TOR with no name. I dunno. Something that is intagible on the net…I think I’m getting all teary eyed.

  34. Shava says:

    Actually we only have six exit-nodes confirmed, and none of the server operators have been charged. We have folks on the ground in Germany who say that dozens and dozens of computers seemed to have been seized, and there is no indication that Tor is under attack at all.

    We expect this to blow over, the server operators to get their machinery back.

    But my goodness, the brush fire over this issue is likely to get us a lot of unwanted bad press — please encourage folks to be calm!


    Shava Nerad
    executive director
    The Tor Project

  35. John Smythe says:

    Don’t rely on the Relakks darknet, which BTW is a PAY service. Support TOR. It’s FREE! As mentioned somewhere else before, most all spammers and kiddie porn idiots use other faster ways to spread their garbage. Like Pirate Bay scandal, any action against Tor users or server operators by governments or media industries only help to give more publicity to the services, thus increasing their popularity and exposure to those who otherwise had never even heard of the service before!

  36. Shava says:

    if you need to contact me for more information, here’s our official statement and my contact info:

    Last week, a few Tor exit-node servers were seized by the German police in a

    massive sting against child pornography. From our friends on the ground in

    Germany, we hear that dozens and dozens of machines may have been seized.

    So far as we know only six of those were Tor servers. We have heard from the

    server operators. None of them has been charged.

    This is not a “crackdown” on Tor, as has been widely reported. We

    expect and hope that the volunteer Tor server operators in Germany will get

    their equipment back after this has blown over, and there will be no action

    against Tor.

    Please contact me for more information.

    Shava Nerad
    executive director
    The Tor Project
    shava -at- freehaven -dot- net

  37. […] TOR Servers Seized! By CyberChrist German police are currently raiding server rooms all over Germany, and seizing TOR servers. Looks like the servers were serving kiddie porn, so may the owners burn in more | digg story This entry is filed under General News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Leave a Reply […]

  38. hapbt says:

    I guess I can’t imagine TOR logging anything… I mean, dosen’t that defeat the whole purpose? So why seize the computers? And secondly, this is like a new trend globally, police no longer need any actual reason to take your computers. For someone like the Pirate Bay who can buy some more the next day, no big deal, but what happens when Joe User has some packets relayed through his computer by Joe Child Pornographer, unknowingly. What constitutes your involvement? If a guy downloading kiddie porn also wants to download my Micheal Jackson mp3s, am I now a suspect? And if so, is that enough to justify taking all my computer equipment and never giving it back? Does it go to PC gitmo? Hopefully they leave my xbox.

  39. mussolini says:

    OK I did it, but how can that be? I’m already in HELL @__@

  40. […] Here is what the director over at TOR had to say on this issue [comments via ITNOMAD post Germany Crackdown on TOR-Node Operators] […]

  41. jsaltz says:

    This is an abomination. It ain’t good, a thing like that.

  42. says:

    Serwery TOR w niebezpieczeństwie

    Ze Germans zabrali się za serwery TOR i rozpoczęli naloty i konfiskaty. Jak zwykle dla dobra dzieci, bo chodzi ponoć o dziecięcą pornografię. Ale naprawdę chodzi o to, aby nie dopuścić do rozpanoszenia się anonimowości i prywatności w sieci…

  43. Des nodes TOR saisies par la police allemande

    Affaire bien trange que celle de la saisie de plusieurs nodes Tor par la police allemande…

  44. […] Germany: Crackdown on TOR-node operators […]

  45. Ashley S. says:

    I liked TOR a lot, after it became more easier to use for nerds like me.
    However, this confiscation of TOR-Servers does not make me feel comfortable
    if I entrust TOR with my personal informations :-(

    Another good choice to enhance ones privacy is Anonymouse (
    I know this is a little bit like comparing apples and oranges, because Anonymouse
    is a web-proxy. However, it is still a good alternative. In oppsite to TOR it is
    even more easier to use, it is faster and does not need anything to setup.


  46. B.H. says:

    I guess this goes to prove you should run TOR servers without logging …

  47. Dave says:

    Please morally support us, the TOR-operators.

    *Morally Supports*

  48. Daniel says:

    LOL, if anyone thinks that anonymous web browsing will keep them private they are stupid and quite ignorant. Anything that is loggable and traceable on the internet is easy to dig through and find who was doing what reguardless of the amount of HOPS you add on to your packets. If you have nothing to hide then why use anonymous web surfing. People are so stupid when it comes to proxies.

  49. […] Source: The Register, Extracts:” […]

  50. Shellfish says:

    … Open/Unsecured Wireless access points… Tor Exit-Nodes… Public proxies of any kind… They are all the same thing… If you’re sharing your internet connection with the general public (even if your intentions are good), you’re welcoming all kinds of legal issues. I personally support the Tor concept, but would never personally share my internet access unless I could completely deny accountability for the server being used to share it. It’s not worth the risk – just to allow others to have semi-annonymous browsing.

  51. modalspace says:

    @Daniel: Tools like Tor or JAP only provide anonymity of the communications pipeline, anonymity of the payload is the users responsibility. Of course it is quite stuipd to use Tor and sign every forum post etc. with your real name, but this does not make these tools useless. Afterall they leave it to you what information about yourself your want do have floating around. And don’t be mistaken everybody has a vested intrest to hide something about themselves, or why is it that you don’t give your phone number to everyone else?

  52. TOR Lover says:

    Oh boy, this is bad news. I really love TOR and don’t want it to be discontinued.

  53. […] משטרת גרמניה החרימה כמה שרתים בנסיון לאתר מפיצי פורנו-ילדים. עד פה הכל בסדר. הבעיה היא שחלק מהשרתים מריצים את TOR, תוכנת P2P שמאפשרת גלישה אנונימית דרך מספר מחשבים אקראיים. המשטרה יודעת שהמחשבים האלו מריצים את TOR, והיא יודעת גם שאין הרבה סיכוי למצוא משהו בלוגים שלהם, כי TOR מתוכננת בדיוק בשביל מצב כזה. זה מריח כמו נסיון לפגוע ברשת TOR, כי היא מספקת פרטיות שמתנגשת עם הרצון של המדינה לשלוט לדעת הכל. כולי תקווה שהשרתים יוחזרו במהרה, ושזה לא יהפוך לשגרה – כי זה אומר בפשטות שלא יהיו יותר שרתי TOR בגרמניה, ואולי באירופה כולה. פורנו ילדים זה נורא, אבל הוא גם אחלה סיבה לפגוע בזכות הבסיסית של כולם לפרטיות ואנונימיות. […]

  54. hssaroch says:

    This is super crap. I use TOR all the time and I love it. We need our privacy. I would really hate for it to be discontinued or banned from any territory.

  55. […] German prosecutors have raided 7 of the country’s providers and nabbed 10 machines apparently serving as TOR exit-nodes. It seems these machines were used by someone on the TOR network to connect to childporn. One can’t help but wonder what kind of impact the potential for illegal use will have on the network’s future. […]

  56. […] Source: Share This ItemThese icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  57. […] Germany Cracks Down on TOR Networks – German authorities have begun seizing servers used by the anonymity network ‘Tor’. I believe that this is the first in many steps in violating our right to remain anonymous on this wonderful place we know as the world wide web […]

  58. […] Regarding my posting probably unluckily named “Germany: Crackdown on TOR-node operators” (i wrote “on TOR-node operators” on purpose, not “on TOR“) I’d like to clarify a couple of things. Before i start blurbing around I’d like to quote Shava Nerad, executive director of the TOR-project: “Last week, a few Tor exit-node servers were seized by the German police in a massive sting against child pornography. From our friends on the ground in Germany, we hear that dozens and dozens of machines may have been seized. So far as we know only six of those were Tor servers. We have heard from the server operators. None of them has been charged. […]

  59. bob the builder says:

    @ daniel – “if you have nothing to hide then why use anonymous web browsing” wtf? you sound like those morons that are disappeared by their governments because they didnt hide anything “i’ve done nothing wrong so what do i have to worry about?” try everyone else. any perceived slight, any perceived insult, anything at all that someone else decides not to like about you, if they have the power, you are screwed. look how many innocent people have been executed in the states alone over the decades. do yourself a favour, go read george orwells 1984. muppet.

  60. bïöµï¢ says:

    Yea bob :) Tell that turkey ;) =) M$ & other giants are long-time preparing for “web-restructuring”, as they claim it is “too open” at present .. imagine, the point of the (inter)net is bothering them .. sorz 4 not providing any links, but it’s mostly actual news ..

    Thanks 4 the article, Freedom shall not be suppressed dammit.

  61. […] Wie Slashdot und auch andere Quellen berichten, wurden bei 7 Providern wegen Verdachts auf Kipo diverse Server ausgeräumt, darunter auch welche die scheinbar nichts damit zu tun hatten und auf denen lediglich eine TOR Installation lief. […]

  62. Jonathan says:

    The police are very aware that the tor-servers have no info on them. They’re not stupied. Either they have to seize them, due to legal precedngs, or someone have decided to make operators feel threatened and stop their activites – in light of recent legislation and disrespect for personal intigrity, that is a real possibility.

    And do not trust Relakks, people. They’re just as likley to release information as any ISP.

  63. Chris White says:

    If the porn peddlers cannot use TOR they will use something else. We have a Police and court system to punish criminals not punish everybody else when the criminals cannot be caught.

    The same happened with the handgun ban. Law abiding people could not have a gun and criminals who would be most likely to shoot someone with a gun do not care if they are illegal or not. Now in Britain our olympic pistol team has to train abroad.

    AGAIN it is wrong for the government to punish the people because they can’t catch the criminals.

  64. Chris White says:

    Governments cannot run around closing technology down at will because a criminal uses it, it has all the sophistication of demolishing the house to catch the rat.

  65. Chris White says:

    They are using child porn angle to take away our privacy and we need to put a foot down to these people at EVERY opportunity. They only feel comfortable in a communist totalitarian state and that is what is loming on the horizon in the western world and we need to FIGHT IT!

  66. Shellfish says:

    It seems like a few people are not getting the point of why the police siezed the exit-nodes.. On some child porn server somewhere which was previously siezed by the police, there were a list of IP addresses. If you’re trying to browse child porn at home, and you’re using tor, the exit node is who will get blamed, because the exit node’s IP is on the siezed child porn server, not yours. They’re not fighting Tor directly (yet), they’re just going on the evidence they have on-hand.

    Another example, if you have an unsecured WAP in your house and a neighbor commits some type of internet fraud, you will be blamed, because the IP will traced back to you. Same concept.

  67. ayazmahmood says:


  68. westcoast says:

    A Question: I know the exit node can see what material is passing through but can he see my real IP as well? Or would he just get the IPs of the previous nodes used?

  69. The latter; if you start tapping on the exit-node you only see the previous node. But if you have like 6 tor-nodes in between the sender and the receiver, you’re pretty much lost.

  70. […] “This situation is disturbing, really disturbing,” wrote Alexander Janssen, from Düsseldorf, Germany, in a blog post. “I run a Tor server myself and the last thing I want to experience is the police kicking down my door [and] seizing my computer.” […]

  71. wiki says:

    tor is very important for us in China.

  72. […] TOR is also used by spammers, child pornographers, terrorists, and anyone else who needs to obscure their IP address and details… And therein lies the more | digg story […]

  73. franko says:

    Pretty scary times for internet marketing spammers

  74. James says:

    Do what Brian Holiday says in his response and you may as well shut the Tor system down. Once you compromise the security of even a single user you compromise the whole thing. No sensible person will trust a system where it’s up to the subjective judgement of the system’s operators to decide what is acceptable or legal traffic. If you’re going to start volunteering to work with the German/US authorities on child porn (or whatever their varying definitions of it are) are you going to start working with the Chinese authorities on political dissidents too? You’ll fatally compromise the trust and nothing will ever restore it again. Trust me.

  75. […] German police are currently raiding server rooms all over Germany, and seizing TOR more | digg story […]

  76. […] 1. chlid pron I have no idea why he ended up here, bur i guess that this is because of my TOR-rant quite some time ago. […]

  77. jack says:

    Nice site actually. Gone to my favourites. Thanks for creation.

  78. […] read this article and can’t help but feel […]

  79. TOR servers seized!


  80. […] German police are currently raiding server rooms all over Germany, and seizing TOR servers. read more | digg story Filed under: Tech […]

  81. […] de que algunos equipos con servidores Tor han sido incautados en Alemania (Ars Technica -> itNomad) dentro de una operación contra la pornografía […]

  82. I abondoned TOR along time ago. This has nothing to do with child porn, but because TOR servers are now in the hands of those we are trying to stay anonymous from.

    I have been using Anonymizer’s anonymous surfing since last year and very happy with it. There is no longer of any kind! I know I’m doing nothing illegal, I just want the piece of mind that no one is looking over my shoulder.. except maybe my wife = )

  83. this sounds bad, but time and time again we have seen governments all over the world shutting down free services that offer anonymity and or open source distribution. Best wishes!

  84. navtej kohli says:

    This is the much speculated topic here in Germany…. I personally do not support anonymous surfing… the authenticity of internet media, reviews, analytic reports will be more accurate and precise if anonymity avoided…on a more philosophical side.. virtual / web world should be like our ordinary world where we have one identity and whatever we do, we take the reponsibility of doing it… though on the other side.. .it would enhance infringement of one’s privacy.

  85. DS says:

    Yeah, bull shit. Hackers and Spammers use tor all the time. They target message boards and php scripts that send mail.

  86. TOR user says:


  87. Leesa says:

    Keep it up man.,

  88. […] Redada a 10 servidores Tor alemanes buscando pornografia infantil. […]

  89. Jeonard says:

    Bad Bad Bad Bad. On the other hand, it was probably a matter of time. Police are going to get frustrated, even in less repressive countries, with criminals using anonymizing systems. rackdown on TOR-node operators IT, life and me Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. Anyway, the OR-talk message list has had some pretty cool ideas, including combining Geo-IP with the exit-node policies — that way, an exit node might never be sending plaintext to an endpoint in the same jurisdiction!

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  91. My suggestion is you start tracking down the offenders yourselves, proactively within the network. The police would be much more helpful as allies than as adversaries. What concerns me is the fact that internet freedom is going to be shot down over the indefensable.

  92. This entry was a great read! I couldn’t have explained things better myself.

  93. lolmania says:

    You are stupid as fuck if you run tor nodes. What do you think it used for, if I would have to draw a graph I would say:

    50% childporn
    30% carding, bank hacking etc
    and in the rest other shits. Now if you living in a dump country like me you can run tor node forever but if you live in a country where there are LUWZ for these thingies then just DONT FUCKING DO IT.

    I just don’t get it how people don’t have common sense these days. BTW you do not make any profit from running a tor node obviously and it’s cannot be compared to being involved in a project like freerainbowtables so why you do it?
    Guess bcos you are a bored sysadmin with too many idling servers and want to do something useful with them…

  94. tonto says:

    please ,, Tor has stop working in Nigeria,… pls i need help..

  95. […] participating in the TOR anonymising network have been seized by public prosecutors during a child porn crackdown in Germany. TOR provides anonymity for clients and servers by […]

  96. zoki says:

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  97. Justin Giorgi says:

    Join the club everyone. I run a tor exit node and just got slapped with a copyright infringement letter. Apparently someone using the node went and downloaded some porn from an illegal source and now I have to pay a fee for it. They don’t care that it wasn’t me. Since my connection downloaded the content they simply don’t care.

  98. nahnomess says:

    I’d soooooo be tempted to find some legal way to turn that back against them. What jurisdiction has fees like that? LOL, probably France?

  99. […] night, German authorities raided seven data centers in search of child pornography trafficking or evidence thereof, seizing a total of ten servers in […]

  100. […] itNomad (Fuente, inglés) Esta entrada se publicó en Sin categoría y está etiquetada con Libertades en 18 septiembre, 2006 por admin. […]

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  112. […] German state is that exactly in love with the Tor network. This is the state who started raiding Tor relay operators in 2006, illegally seized documents from German exit relay operator; in 2018, tried to pass […]

  113. […] German state is that exactly in love with the Tor network. This is the state who started raiding Tor relay operators in 2006, illegally seized documents from German exit relay operator; in 2018, tried to pass […]

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